LEED Cost Study - gsaleed0001Contents - gsaleed0002Acknowledgements - gsaleed0003Executive Summary: GSA LEED Cost StudyTable ES-1ATable ES-2ACost Estimate QualifiersCost Estimate Qualifiers - Cont'dAddressing LEED Cost VariablesImplications for GSA ProjectsFigure ES-1 GSA LEED Construction Cost Impacts vs. Estimating Accuracy Introduction - gsaleed0012New Mid-Rise CourthouseMid-Rise Office Building ModernizationSample Plans: Courthouse ModelSample Plans: Office Building ModelIndividual LEED Credit Cost AnalysisContents of the Cost StudyAdditional AppendicesAdditional Appendices - Cont'dSection 1: Twelve LEED Rating ScenariosSupporting Information - gsaleed0022Table 1-1: 12 LEED Scenarios (Part 1 of 4)Table 1-1: 12 LEED Scenarios (Part 2 of 4)Table 1-1: 12 LEED Scenarios (Part 3 of 4)Table 1-1: 12 LEED Scenarios (Part 4 of 4)Section 2: Individual LEED Credit ReviewsLEED Prerequisite or Credit TitleAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0029LEED SS Prerequisite 1: Erosion and Sedimentation ControlSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0031LEED Credit SS-1: Site SelectionLEED Credit SS-2: Development DensityLEED Credit SS-3: Brownfield RedevelopmentLEED Credit SS-4.1: Alternative Transportation Public Transportation AccessLEED Credit SS-4.2: Alternative Transportation Bicycle Storage and Changing RoomsSynergistic Credits - gsaleed0037LEED Credit SS-4.3: Alternative Transportation Alternative Fuel VehiclesLEED Credit SS-4.4: Alternative Transportation Parking Capacity LEED Credit SS-5.1: Reduced Site Disturbance Protect or Restore Open SpaceSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0041LEED Credit SS-5.2: Reduced Site Disturbance Development FootprintAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0043LEED Credit SS-6.1: Stormwater Management Rate and QuantitySummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0045Table SS6.1-1: Landscape Revisions to Achieve 25% Stormwater Runoff ReductionTable SS6.1-2: Vegetated Roof to Achieve 25% Stormwater Runoff ReductionLEED Credit SS-6.2: Stormwater Management TreatmentSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0049LEED Credit SS-7.1: Heat Island Reduction Non-RoofSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0051LEED Credit SS-7.2: Heat Island Reduction RoofAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0053LEED Credit SS-8: Light Pollution ReductionSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0055LEED Credit WE-1.1: Water-Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50%Synergistic Credits - gsaleed0057Table WE 1.1-1 Generic Institutional Building Baseline SiteTable WE 1.1-3 GSA Courthouse Base Case SiteTable WE 1.1-4 GSA Courthouse Base Case Site w/ Low Ks for GroundcoversLEED Credit WE-1.2: Water-Efficient Landscaping No Potable Use or No IrrigationSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0062LEED Credit WE-2: Innovative Wastewater TechnologiesLEED Credit WE-3.1: Water Use Reduction 20% ReductionTable WE3.1-1 Baseline Water Use Table - Office BuildingTable WE3.1-2 20% Water Use Reduction 0.5 gpm Faucets (Office Building)Table WE3.1-3 20% Water Use Reduction Low Flow Faucets/ShowersLEED Credit WE-3.2: Water Use Reduction 30% ReductionAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0069Table WE3.2-1 Baseline Water Use Table - Office BuildingTable WE3.2-2 30% Water Use Reduction - Low Flow Faucets/UrinalsLEED EA Prerequisite 1: Fundamental Building Systems CommissioningSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0073LEED EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy PerformanceLEED EA Prerequisite 3: CFC Reduction in HVAC&R EquipmentLEED Credit EA-1: Optimize Energy PerformanceNew CourthouseTable EA1-1 Additional Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) to Earn ThreeOffice Building ModernizationTable EA1-2 Additional Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) to Earn ThreeSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0081Synergistic Credits - gsaleed0082LEED Credit EA-2: Renewable EnergySynergistic Credits - gsaleed0084LEED Credit EA-3: Additional CommissioningBasis for Cost Assumption - gsaleed0086LEED Credit EA-4: Ozone DepletionAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0088LEED Credit EA-5: Measurement and VerificationSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0090LEED Credit EA-6: Green PowerSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0092LEED MR Prerequisite 1: Storage & Collection of RecyclablesLEED Credit MR-1.1: Building ReuseLEED Credit MR-1.2: Building ReuseLEED Credit MR-1.3: Building ReuseLEED Credit MR-2.1: Construction Waste Management, 50%Summary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0098LEED Credit MR-2.2: Construction Waste Management, 75%Summary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0100LEED Credit MR-3.1: Resource Reuse, 5%LEED Credit MR-3.2: Resource Reuse, 10%LEED Credit MR-4.1: Recycled Content, 5%Basis for Cost Assumption - gsaleed0104Table MR4.1-1: 5 Percent Recycled Content, "Low Cost" Courthouse ScenarioTable MR4.1-2: 5 Percent Recycled Content, "High Cost" Courthouse ScenarioTable MR4.1-2: 5 Percent Recycled Content, "High Cost" Courthouse Scenario - Cont'dTable MR4.1-3: 5 Percent Recycled Content, "Minimal Faade Renovation" Table MR4.1-4: 5 Percent Recycled Content, "Full Faade Renovation"LEED Credit MR-4.2: Recycled Content, 10%Summary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0111Synergistic Credits - gsaleed0112Table MR4.2-1: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "Low Cost" Courthouse ScenarioTable MR4.2-1: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "Low Cost" Courthouse Scenario - Cont'dTable MR4.2-2: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "High Cost" Courthouse ScenarioTable MR4.2-2: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "High Cost" Courthouse Scenario - Cont'dTable MR4.2-3: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "Minimal Faade Renovation"Table MR4.2-4: 10 Percent Recycled Content, "Full Faade Renovation" LEED Credit MR-5.1: Regional Materials: 20% Manufactured RegionallySummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0120Supporting CalculationsTable MR5-1: 20 Percent Regional Materials, "Low Cost" Table MR5-2: 20 Percent Regional Materials, "High Cost"Table MR5-3: 20 Percent Regional Materials, "Minimal Faade Renovation"Table MR5-4: 20 Percent Regional Materials, "Full Faade Renovation" LEED Credit MR-5.2: Regional Materials: 50% Extracted RegionallySummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0127LEED Credit MR-6: Rapidly Renewable MaterialsLEED Credit MR-7: Certified WoodSynergistic Credits - gsaleed0130Table MR7-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credit MR-7 (Courthouse Model)Table MR7-2: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credit MR-7 (Office Building Models)LEED EQ Prerequisite 1: Minimum IAQ PerformanceLEED EQ Prerequisite 2: Environmental Tobacco SmokeAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0135LEED Credit EQ-1: Carbon Dioxide MonitoringSynergistic Credits - gsaleed0137LEED Credit EQ-2: Increase Ventilation EffectivenessLEED Credit EQ-3.1: Construction IAQ Management Plan During ConstructionSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0140LEED Credit EQ-3.2: Construction IAQ Management Plan Before OccupancySummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0142LEED Credit EQ-4.1: Low-Emitting Materials Adhesives and SealantsLEED Credit EQ-4.2: Low-Emitting Materials PaintsLEED Credit EQ-4.3: Low-Emitting Materials CarpetLEED Credit EQ-4.4: Low-Emitting Materials Composite WoodSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0147LEED Credit EQ-5: Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source ControlLEED Credit EQ-6.1: Controllability of Systems Perimeter SpacesSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0150LEED Credit EQ-6.2: Controllability of Systems Non-Perimeter SpacesSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0152LEED Credit EQ-7.1: Thermal Comfort Compliance w/ ASHRAE 55-1992Summary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0154LEED Credit EQ-7.2: Thermal Comfort Permanent Monitoring SystemLEED Credit EQ-8.1: Daylight & Views Daylight in 75% of SpacesSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0157LEED Credit EQ-8.2: Daylight & Views Views in 90% of SpacesAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0159LEED Credit ID-1.1: Dedicated Ventilation SystemSummary of First Cost Impacts - gsaleed0161LEED Credit ID-1.2: Exceed Regional Materials Criteria (40%)LEED Credit ID-1.3: Educational DisplayLEED Credit ID-1.4A: Exceed Heat Island Effect, Non-RoofLEED Credit ID-1.4B: Exceed Certified Wood Criteria (75%)Additional Considerations - gsaleed0166Table ID-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credit ID-1.4B, 75% Certified WoodTable ID-2: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credit ID-1.4B, 75% Certified Wood LEED Credit ID-2: LEED Accredited ProfessionalSection 3: Synergistic CreditsCourthouse: Credit SN-1Courthouse: Credit SN-2Courthouse: Credit SN-3Courthouse: Credit SN-4Table SN4C-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credits MR-7 & EQ-4.4Courthouse: Credit SN-5Table SN5C-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credits MR-7, EQ-4.4, & ID-1.4BOffice Building: Credits SN-1A-1DApplicable ScenariosOffice Building: Credit SN-2Office Building: Credit SN-3Table SN3O-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credits MR-7 & EQ-4.4Office Building: Credit SN-4Table SN4O-1: Targeted Wood Products to Earn Credits MR-7, EQ-4.4, & ID-1.4BSection 4: LEED-Related Soft CostsMethodology - gsaleed0186Results of Survey and Interview ProcessLEED Tasks: Multiple Credit / "LEED Process" Tasks vs. Credit-Specific TasksEstimate ResultsResultsExpert Consultant ApproachExperienced Design / Construction Team ApproachAdditional Considerations - gsaleed0193Supporting Information - gsaleed0194Appendix A: Cost Estimate Summaries Courthouse ScenariosLEED Cost Study - gsaleed0196Courthouse LEED Scenario 1A: Certified/LowCourthouse LEED Scenario 2A: Certified/HighCourthouse LEED Scenario 2A: Certified/High - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 3A: Silver/LowCourthouse LEED Scenario 3A: Silver/Low - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 4A: Silver/HihgCourthouse LEED Scenario 4A: Silver/Hihg - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 5A: Gold/LowCourthouse LEED Scenario 5A: Gold/Low - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 6A: Gold/HighCourthouse LEED Scenario 6A: Gold/High - Cont'd - gsaleed0207Courthouse LEED Scenario 6A: Gold/High - Cont'd - gsaleed0208Appendix B: Cost Estimate Summaries Office Building ScenariosLeed Cost StydyCourthouse LEED Scenario 1B: Certified/Main Facade RenovationCourthouse LEED Scenario 1B: Certified/Main Facade Renovation - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 2B: Certified/Full Facade Renovation Courthouse LEED Scenario 2B: Certified/Full Facade Renovation - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 3B: Silver/Minimum Facade RenovationCourthouse LEED Scenario 3B: Silver/Minimum Facade Renovation - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 4B: Silver/Full Facade RenovationCourthouse LEED Scenario 4B: Silver/Full Facade Renovation - Cont'dCourthouse LEED Scenario 5B: Gold/Min Facade RenovationCourthouse LEED Scenario 5B: Gold/Min Facade Renovation - Cont'd - gsaleed0220Courthouse LEED Scenario 5B: Gold/Min Facade Renovation - Cont'd - gsaleed0221Courthouse LEED Scenario 6B: Gold/Full Facade RenovationCourthouse LEED Scenario 6B: Gold/Full Facade Renovation - Cont'd - gsaleed0223Courthouse LEED Scenario 6B: Gold/Full Facade Renovation - Cont'd - gsaleed0224Appendix C: Individual Credit Cost Estimates CourthouseLEED Cost Study - gsaleed0226New Medrise Federal CourthouseNew Medrise Federal Courthouse - Cont'd - gsaleed0228New Medrise Federal Courthouse - Cont'd - gsaleed0229New Medrise Federal Courthouse - Cont'd - gsaleed0230Summary in Unformat SS 4.2A Bicycle RacksSS 4.2A Bicycle Racks - Cont'dSummary in UniformatSS 4.2B Shower & Changing Rooms - gsaleed0235SS 4.2B Shower & Changing Rooms - Cont'd - gsaleed0236SS 5.1 Native/ Adaptive Vegetation for 50/% for the SiteSS 5.1 Native/ Adaptive Vegetation for 50/% for the Site - Cont'dSS 6.1A Storwater Management by Reducing Paved AreasSS 6.1A Storwater Management by Reducing Paved Areas - Cont'dSS 6.1B Vegetated Roof System @ 65% of Upper Roof SS 6.1B Vegetated Roof System @ 65% of Upper Roof - Cont'dSS 6.2 Sand Filter SystemSS 6.2 Sand Filter System - Cont'dSS 7.2B Vegetated SystemSS 7.2B Vegetated System - Cont'dWE 1.2 Water Efficient Landscaping No Potable Water or IrrigationWE 1.2 Water Efficient Landscaping No Potable Water or Irrigation - Cont'dWE 3.2A Electronic Faucet Controls - gsaleed0249WE 3.2A Electronic Faucet Controls - Cont'd - gsaleed0250WE 3.2B Half Gallon Flush UrinalsWE 3.2B Half Gallon Flush Urinals - Cont'dEA 1.1-10 Optimize Energy Performance (To Achieve 3 LEED Points)EA 1.1-10 Optimize Energy Performance (To Achieve 3 LEED Points) - Cont'dEA 1.1-10 Optimize Energy Performance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points)EA 1.1-10 Optimize Energy Performance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points) - Cont'dEA 2.1 roof-Mounted PVEA 2.1 roof-Mounted PV - Cont'dEA 2.1A Curtainwall-Integrated PVEA 2.1A Curtainwall-Integrated PV - Cont'dEA 5 Measurement & VerifecationEA 5 Measurement & Verifecation - Cont'dMR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - gsaleed0263MR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - Cont'd - gsaleed0264MR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - Cont'd - gsaleed0265MR 5.1 Local/Regional Materials, 20% Manufactured LocallyMR 5.1 Local/Regional Materials, 20% Manufactured Locally - Cont'dMR 7 Certified WoodMR 7 Certified Wood - Cont'd - gsaleed0269EQ 1 Install CO2 Sensors & 5-year Callibration - gsaleed0270EQ 1 Install CO2 Sensors & 5-year Callibration - Cont'd - gsaleed0271EQ 3.1 Contruction IAQ Management Plan-Duiring ConstructionEQ 3.1 Contruction IAQ Management Plan-Duiring Construction - Cont'dEQ 3.2 Construction IAQ management Plan - Before Occupancy - gsaleed0274EQ 3.2 Construction IAQ management Plan - Before Occupancy - Cont'd - gsaleed0275EQ 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials Composite Wood for Maldehyde Free MDFEQ 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials Composite Wood for Maldehyde Free MDF - Cont'd - gsaleed0277EQ 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials Composite Wood for Maldehyde Free MDF - Cont'd - gsaleed0278DescriptionDescription (cont)ID 1.3Educational DisplayID 1.3Educational Display - Cont'dID 1.4a Exceed Heat Island effect, Non Roof CriteriaID 1.4a Exceed Heat Island effect, Non Roof Criteria - Cont'dID 1.4b Exceed Certified HW Trim & Millwork Criteria (75%)ID 1.4b Exceed Certified HW Trim & Millwork Criteria (75%) - Cont'd - gsaleed0286ID 1.4b Exceed Certified HW Trim & Millwork Criteria (75%) - Cont'd - gsaleed0287Appendix D Individual Credit Cost Estimates Office BuildingLEED Cost Study - gsaleed0289Office Bulking ModernizationOffice Bulking Modernization - Cont'd - gsaleed0291Office Bulking Modernization - Cont'd - gsaleed0292SS 4.2a Bicyecle RacksSS 4.2a Bicyecle Racks - Cont'd - gsaleed0294SS 4.2a Bicyecle Racks - Cont'd - gsaleed0295SS 4.2b Shower & Changing rooms - gsaleed0296SS 4.2b Shower & Changing rooms - Cont'd - gsaleed0297SS 4.2b Shower & Changing rooms - Cont'd - gsaleed0298SS 4.2b Shower & Changing rooms - Cont'd - gsaleed0299SS 4.3 Aiternative fuel Refueling StationsSS 4.3 Aiternative fuel Refueling Stations - Cont'dSS4.4 Preferred Carpoll SpacesSS4.4 Preferred Carpoll Spaces - Cont'dWE 3.2b Battery Faucet ControlsWE 3.2b Battery Faucet Controls - Cont'dWE 3.2a Electronic Faucet Controls - gsaleed0306WE 3.2a Electronic Faucet Controls - Cont'd - gsaleed0307WE 3.2b Half-Gallon Flush UrinalsWE 3.2b Half-Gallon Flush Urinals - Cont'dEA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points)EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points) - Cont'd - gsaleed0311EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points) - Cont'd - gsaleed0312EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 5 LEED Points) - Cont'd - gsaleed0313EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 7 LEED Points)EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 7 LEED Points) - Cont'd - gsaleed0315EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 7 LEED Points) - Cont'd - gsaleed0316EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 8 LEED Points) - gsaleed0317EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 8 LEED Points) - gsaleed0318EA 1.1-10 Optmize Energy Perforemance (To Achieve 8 LEED Points) EA 2.1a Roof Mounted Pv Minimum Facade ScenarioEA 2.1a Roof Mounted Pv Minimum Facade Scenario - Cont'dEa 2.1b Roof-Mounted PV Full Facaded RenovationEa 2.1b Roof-Mounted PV Full Facaded Renovation - Cont'dEA 5 Measurement & VarificationEA 5 Measurement & Varification - Cont'dMR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - gsaleed0326MR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - Cont'd - gsaleed0327MR 4.2 Recycled Content Specify 10% PC - P1 - Cont'd - gsaleed0328MR 5.1a Local/Regional Materials, 20 % Manufactured LocallyMR 5.1a Local/Regional Materials, 20 % Manufactured Locally 0- Cont'dMR 5.1b Local/Regional Materials, 20 % Manufactured LocallyMR 5.1b Local/Regional Materials, 20 % Manufactured Locally - Cont'dMR 7 Certified Wood MR 7 Certified Wood - Cont'd - gsaleed0334EQ 1 Install CO2 Sensors & 5-Year Callibration - gsaleed0335EQ 1 Install CO2 Sensors & 5-Year Callibration - Cont'd - gsaleed0336EQ 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan - During ConstructionEQ 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan - During Construction - Cont'dEQ 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan - Before Occupancy - gsaleed0339EQ 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan - Before Occupancy - Cont'd - gsaleed0340EQ 4.4 Low-Emitting Materilas Composite Wood - for maldahyde free MDF EQ 4.4 Low-Emitting Materilas Composite Wood - for maldahyde free MDF - Cont'dEQ 5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source ControlEQ 5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control - Cont'dEQ 6.1a Provide Operatable in Lieu of Fixed Windows at 12% of the Glazed Area (5B)EQ 6.1a Provide Operatable in Lieu of Fixed Windows at 12% of the Glazed Area (5B) - Cont'dEQ 6.1b Provide Operatable in Lieu of Fixed Windows at 15% of the Glazed Area (6B)EQ 6.1b Provide Operatable in Lieu of Fixed Windows at 15% of the Glazed Area (6B) - Cont'dEQ 7.1a Thermal Comfort, Pneumatic Atomizing HumidifierEQ 7.1a Thermal Comfort, Pneumatic Atomizing Humidifier - Cont'dEQ 8.2 Daylight & Views for Daylight 90% of Space EQ 8.2 Daylight & Views for Daylight 90% of Space - Cont'dID 1.3 Educational DisplayID 1.3 Educational Display - Cont'dID 1.4b Exceed Certified Wood Criteria (75%)ID 1.4b Exceed Certified Wood Criteria (75%) - Cont'dAppendix E Synergistic Credit Cost Estimates CourthouseSN 1 Synergistics Credit (SS 5.1 + SS 6.1a + WE 1.2)SN 1 Synergistics Credit (SS 5.1 + SS 6.1a + WE 1.2) - Cont'dSN 2 Synergistics Credit (SS 6.1b + SS 7.2b + E 2.1)SN 2 Synergistics Credit (SS 6.1b + SS 7.2b + Ea 2.1) - Cont'dSN 3 EA 1.1-10 + EQ1SN 3 EA 1.1-105 + EQ1SN 3 EA 1.1-105 + EQ1 - Cont'dSN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4SN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 - Cont'd - gsaleed0366SN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 - Cont'd - gsaleed0367SN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 - Cont'd - gsaleed0368SN 6 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 + ID 1.4bSN 6 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 + ID 1.4b - Cont'dSN 6 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 + ID 1.4b - Cont'd - gsaleed0371SN 6 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 + ID 1.4b - Cont'd - gsaleed0372Appendix F: Synergistic Credit Cost Estimates Office BuildingSN 1a Ea 1.1-10 + EQ 1 SN 1a Ea 1.1-10 + EQ 1 - Cont'dSN 1b EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 SN 1b EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 - Cont'dSN 1c EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 SN 1c EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 - Cont'dSN 1c EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 - Cont'd SN 1d EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1SN 1d EA 1.1-10 + EQ 1 - Cont'dSN MR 4.2 + MR 5.2SN MR 4.2 + MR 5.2 - Cont'd - gsaleed0384SN MR 4.2 + MR 5.2 - Cont'd - gsaleed0385SN 3 MR 7 + EQ 4.4SN 3 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 - Cont'd - gsaleed0387SN 3 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 - Cont'd - gsaleed0388SN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 +ID 1.4bSN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 +ID 1.4b - Cont'd - gsaleed0390SN 4 MR 7 + EQ 4.4 +ID 1.4b - Cont'd - gsaleed0391Appendix G: Soft Cost Estimate SummariesTable G-1: Design Team With Expert ConsultantsTable G-1: Design Team With Expert Consultants - Cont'dTable G-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED ExperienceTable G-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED Experience - Cont'dAppendix H: Detailed Soft Cost EstimatesTable H-1: Design team With Expert ConsultantsTable H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0399Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0400Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0401Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0402Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0403Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0404Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0405Table H-1: Design team With Expert Consultants - Cont'd - gsaleed0406Table H-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED ExperienceTable H-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED Experience - Cont'd - gsaleed0408Table H-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED Experience - Cont'd - gsaleed0409Table H-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED Experience - Cont'd - gsaleed0410Table H-2: Design Team With Extensive LEED Experience - Cont'd - gsaleed0411Appendix I: DOE-2 Energy Modeling Summary CourthouseGeneral Information - gsaleed0413Axonometric view of Courthouse ModelBuilding Envelope and Interior Wall Constructions - gsaleed0415Interior Wall ConstructionsBuilding Occupancy Patterns - gsaleed0417District & Special Proceedings Jury RoomsDistrict CourtroomsTable C.1: Annual Jury Room Occupancy SchedulesTable C.2: Annual Courtroom Occupancy Schedules:Lighting and Mis Cellaneous Equipment Loads - gsaleed0422General Office Areas, Chamber Ancillary Offices, Corridors and Holding CellsCourtrooms, Jury Rooms (0.25 W/ft2)HVAC Operating Schedules and System Description - gsaleed0425Heating/Cooling SchedulesAir Handling Unit (AHU) Fan Schedule - gsaleed0427Air Distribution - gsaleed0428Cooling PlantHeating Plant - gsaleed0430Utility Costs - gsaleed0431Natural Gas Rate - gsaleed0432LEED TM Energy Analysis Summary of Differences Between Baseline Case and LEEDTM Reference CaseSummary of Differences Between Baseline Case and LEEDTM Reference Case - Cont'dDescription of Energy Efficient Measures - gsaleed0436Modulating Condensing Boilers (AltS3)Combined EEMs - gsaleed0438GSA LEED Cost Study - gsaleed0439Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - gsaleed0440Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0441Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0442Appendix J: DOE-2 Energy Modeling Summary Office BuildingGeneral Information Mid-rise office building with 60% glazingBuilding Envelope and Interior Wall Constructions - gsaleed0446Building Envelope and Interior Wall Constructions - Cont'dBuilding Occupancy Patterns - gsaleed0448Lighting and Mis Cellaneous Equipment Loads - gsaleed0449HVAC Operating Schedules and System Description - gsaleed0450Air Handling Unit (AHU) Fan Schedule - gsaleed0451Ventilation and Exhaust AirAir Distribution - gsaleed0453Heating Plant - gsaleed0454Domestic Hot Water Heating PlantUtility Costs - gsaleed0456Natural Gas Rate - gsaleed0457LEEDTM Energy AnalysisSummary of Didderences Between Base Line Case and LEEDTM Reference CaseSummary of Didderences Between Base Line Case and LEEDTM Reference Case - Cont'd - gsaleed0460Summary of Didderences Between Base Line Case and LEEDTM Reference Case - Cont'd - gsaleed0461Description of Energy Efficient Measures - gsaleed0462Premium-efficiency fan and pump motorsCombined EEMs - gsaleed0464GSA LEED Cost Study - gsaleed0465Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - gsaleed0466Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0467Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0468Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0469Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0470Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0471Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance - Cont'd - gsaleed0472Appendix K:Reference Cost Estimate CourthouseGrand Summary - gsaleed0474Mid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0475Area Summary - gsaleed0476Mid Rise Federal Courthouse Mid Rise Federal Courthouse Shell & CoreMid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0479Substructure - gsaleed0480Shell - gsaleed0481Interiors - gsaleed0482Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0483Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0484Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0485Services - gsaleed0486Services - Cont'd - gsaleed0487Equipment & Furnisings - gsaleed0488Enhanced Office TIMid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0490Interiors - gsaleed0491Services - gsaleed0492Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0493Detention TIMid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0495Shell - gsaleed0496Interiors - gsaleed0497Services - gsaleed0498Equipment & Furnisings - gsaleed0499Courtroom TIMid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0501Interiors - gsaleed0502Services - gsaleed0503Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0504Equipment & Furnishings - Cont'dChambers TI Mid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0507SheelServices - gsaleed0509Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0510Parking - gsaleed0511Mid Rise Federal Courthouse Reference Estimate - gsaleed0512Substructure - gsaleed0513Interiors - gsaleed0514Services - gsaleed0515Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0516Appendix L: Reference Cost Estimate Office Building Minimal Faade RenovationGrand Summary - gsaleed0518Official Building Modernization Option A: Minimal Faade Renovation - gsaleed0519Area Summary - gsaleed0520Area Summary Sheet - gsaleed0521Mid Rise Office Modernization Shell & CoreOfficial Building Modernization Option A: Minimal Faade Renovation - gsaleed0523SubtructureInteriors - gsaleed0525Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0526Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0527Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0528Services - gsaleed0529Services - Cont'd - gsaleed0530Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0531Special Construction100% Closed Office - gsaleed0533Official Building Modernization Option A: Minimal Faade Renovation - gsaleed0534Interiors - gsaleed0535Services - gsaleed0536Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0537100% Open Office - gsaleed0538Official Building Modernization Option A: Minimal Faade Renovation - gsaleed0539Interiors - gsaleed0540Services - gsaleed0541Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0542Parking - gsaleed0543Official Building Modernization Option A: Minimal Faade Renovation - gsaleed0544Substructure - gsaleed0545Services - gsaleed0546Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0547Appendix M: Reference Cost Estimate Office Building Full Faade RenovationGrand Summary - gsaleed0549Official Building Modernization Option B: Full Faade Renovation - gsaleed0550Area Summary - gsaleed0551Area Summary Sheet - gsaleed0552Mid Rise Office Modernization Sheel & CoreOfficial Building Modernization Option B: Full Faade Renovation - gsaleed0554Substructure - gsaleed0555Interiors - gsaleed0556Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0557Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0558Interiors - Cont'd - gsaleed0559Services - gsaleed0560Services - Cont'd - gsaleed0561Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0562Special Constuction100% Closed Office - gsaleed0564Official Building Modernization Option B: Full Faade Renovation - gsaleed0565Interiors - gsaleed0566Services - gsaleed0567Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0568100% Open Office - gsaleed0569Official Building Modernization Option B: Full Faade Renovation - gsaleed0570Interiors - gsaleed0571Services - gsaleed0572Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0573Parking - gsaleed0574Official Building Modernization Option B: Full Faade Renovation - gsaleed0575Substructure - gsaleed0576Services - gsaleed0577Equipment & Furnishings - gsaleed0578LEED Cost Study - index