GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis Supplement
Two design options were originally considered for use in the courtroom environment. Both
would have the same operating components.
The first version would have the Spiralift element(s) located directly under the platform and
would require the scissors guides for stability; and the second places it within a wall recess
measuring approximately 20 in. by 20 in., offset from the platform, which is supported on a
cantilevered frame. (The configurations are similar to Scissors Lift and Cantilevered Platform
Lift illustrated in Section One of the Mechanical Lift Analysis.)
The former would require a recessed area in the slab 9 in. deep to accommodate the
Spiralift mechanism directly under the platform; and the remainder of the recess area for the
platform would be 2 in. deep, which would allow the top of the platform in the resting
position to be flush with the courtroom well finished floor.
The latter would require the entire pit to be approximately 2 in. deep because only the
platform thickness needs to be accommodated.
Either of the configurations would support 3,500 lbs of weight.
A tour of the manufacturing facility was conducted and photographs from observations along
the route through the production area are included as attachments to this supplement.
Recent developments in technology at Paco have resulted in a new version of the basic lifting
apparatus called the Tandem SR. This product includes two rigid column Spiralifts and is
design specifically to accommodate concentrated loading for short intervals of travel. The lift
apparatus is located directly under the platform but the steel scissors elements for stability
and guidance are not required due to incorporation of the new mechanically interlocked
bands within the lifting column, as illustrated in the rigid column details at the end of the this
The new system should be available for purchase late in 2005. The anticipated cost for the
lifting equipment and controls is targeted between ,000 and ,000. (This price does not
include the platform, finish materials, or the installation costs.)
The recess slab conditions allowing the platform to be level with the courtroom well in the
resting position would include an approximate depth of 9 in. to accommodate the lifting
equipment and 2 in. for the platform depth. Design standards for the platform size
(approximately 3 ft. by 5 ft.), loading (2,000 lbs), and height (approximately 3 ft.) are well
within the requirements for accommodating a disabled person in a wheeled chair. (See
preliminary product literature, and an illustration indicating an installation within the
courtroom parameters, provided at the end of this section.)
HDR Architecture, Inc.
Section 8-3