L. Are there acoustic / sound issues related to the lift operation ?
M. Do you have specifications, shop drawings, and operating instruction manuals
for the lifts in the facility engineering files or with the local GSA representative ?
N. Please include any other important information that would help in the assessment of the
effective use of mechanical lifts at your facility. (We want to know where lifts have
been effective and where there have been problems.)
Thank you for your participation in this survey, and we will look forward to meeting you during
our site visits that shall take place during the last week in April and the first 2 weeks of May.
After completion of the survey, please forward it to Gerry Genrich, HDR Architecture, Inc.
Project Manger by email at: ggenrich@hdrinc.com or FAX at: (703) 518 8686. If we can be
of assistance while you fill out the form, call Gerry at: (703) 518 8691.
The success of this analysis depends heavily on the survey response information.
Please return your survey no later than April 22, 2002.
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