2 . 2 Design Excellence Policies and Procedures--Pro g ram Overview
This publication describes the policies and procedures for achieving Design Excellence
results in new construction, modernization, preservation, and re n ovation. It sets decision-
making priorities. It details Design Excellence processes and schedules. It spells out
who should be invo l ved and these individuals' respective roles.
In terms of organization, since Design Excellence is most easily and cost-effectively
achieved in the early phases of a project, this book covers the following procedures and
Design Excellence Planning
FedBizOpps--Defining and Announcing Design Excellence Opportunities
Strategies for Selecting the Lead Designer and Design Excellence A/E Team
Design Excellence in the Concept Development Process
Art in Architecture Guidelines
So that project managers have what they need to implement the Design Excellence
p rocess, most chapters have a re s o u rces section that includes templates and examples
of critical Design Excellence documents. Documents are also available on-line at
The formal Design Excellence Pro g ram was established in 1994 and, based on experience
and evaluations over the past decade, has been refined and expanded in such areas
as FedBizOpps announcements, the option to include a charrette as part of Stage II
team interviews, and a more comprehensive approach to design reviews and concept
d e velopment. These modifications are fully explained in this publication.
section 2.2