Table 8.4: Three-Year-Old Classroom
Child-size round table and 4 chairs
Reading Area
Floor pillow (1 per child)
Child-size sofa & chair
Solid color area rug
Wooden doll bed (2)
Book shelf/display
Bean bag chair (2)
Active Play
Rocking boat
Picture display (2)
Compact disc player
Small adult sofa
Preschool loft
Balance boards & blocks
Library display unit
Tracking tube
Flannel board
Small carpeted riser
Large carpeted riser (2)
Art/Eating Area
Utility cart
Drying rack (2)
Cot or 50 mm bi-color mat (1 per child)
Children's personal storage
Sand & water table w/ lid
Cot or mat storage
Wood chair (1 per child) height range 304-355 mm
White erase board
High wood table (1 per 6 children) height range
Lockable storage for teacher's belongings
457-508 mm
Small pigeon hole boxes for parent notices
Low easel (2)
609 mm high, wood storage unit (4)
914 mm wood frame cork board (2)
Block Area
Wood wall-mounted storage cabinet (3)
Cardboard blocks
Wooden puzzle case w/ wood puzzles
609 mm high, wood storage cabinet (3)
Doll house w/ furniture
Set wooden unit blocks w/ storage
Set of small hollow wooden blocks
Wood train set w/ tracks
Dramatic Play
Vertical safety mirror w/ wood frame
609 mm wood frame cork board (2)
Child playhouse refrigerator
Dress up tree (2)
Child playhouse sink
Child playhouse stove
Child-size chest of drawers, open storage for clothes
PBS-140 - July 2003