Furnishings and equipment within the center shall meet all applicable codes
and standards. Where synthetic materials are used, use products made
with recycled content, avoid finishes with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) content
to the extent possible. The following have established criteria pertaining to
play equipment for all age groups of children which must be referenced.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for Juvenile Products
(1487-1-F 15.29, F1292-99,F1951-99,F2049-00, 36 CFR Part 1191)
Below is a reference list of ASTM requirements specific to a child care
This chapter provides general criteria regarding furnishings
center. Refer to the most recent standards.
and equipment for the center, including references to appli-
Chairs with high sides or foam nests for infant feeding - ASTM F-404
cable codes and regulations. At the end of the chapter is a list
Cribs - ASTM F-966 and ASTM F-1169
of the furnishings and equipment that may be provided by the
Carriages/strollers - ASTM F-833
Federal Government as part of the baseline provisions.
Gates/enclosures - ASTM F-1004
8.1 General Criteria
Hook-on chairs - ASTM F1235
Toy safety - ASTM F-963
General criteria recommended by NAEYC for furnishings and equipment
Evacuation cribs are required for all infants and, depending on local licensing,
are as follows:
for young toddler groups (typically one for every four children). These special
Age appropriate.
cribs must be of durable construction, be narrow enough to pass through a
Sufficient quantity.
915 mm door, and have sturdy caster wheels (approximately 100 mm in
Sufficient variety.
diameter) which allow one person to easily roll the cribs over different indoor/
outdoor surfaces. The evacuation crib must have the capability of supporting
Readily accessible.
and transporting a minimum of four 18-month-old children weighing a total of
55 kg. The evacuation cribs will be placed closest to the exit in the sleeping
Additional general criteria for center furnishings and equipment are listed
rooms. They also function as a standard sleeping crib.
Child-scale for child use.
8.1.1 Storage:
Adult-scale for adult use.
Adequate storage space which is easily accessible and near-at-hand, must
be provided for items such as carriages and strollers, wheeled toys, and
Able to be easily cleaned.
cots or mats for pre-school classrooms. In the initial design process, the
Adaptable, flexible, movable.
designer should elicit the number and approximate size of anticipated
Dual purpose, where appropriate.
equipment that will need to be stored.
Stackable/hangable, if possible.
Do not convey an institutional impression.
Storage within the classrooms should be of adequate amount to allow the
Soft and "cushy," where appropriate.
classroom to appear uncluttered when occupied and should meet functional
Optimize the use of natural materials. Furnishings should contain
needs. A combination of low open shelving, baskets, drawers, cabinets
minimal amounts of formaldehyde and other chemicals which may affect
with doors, boxes, chests, hooks that do not present a hazard, adult height
children (particularly those with allergies).
shelves, wall-hung cabinets, storage bags, buckets, crates, and bins may
Texture rich.
be utilized.
Calm, soothing, coordinated color schemes.
PBS-140 - July 2003