and materials, movable panels and demountable walls, fabrics, furniture
Allow for adequate electrical outlets (a minimmum of every four meters
such as seating or shelving, and display racks. The required space allotment
along walls to particularly serve counter areas), for items such as ra-
for this area is found in Chapter 5.
dios, tape players, televisions, projectors, and keyboards. Locate out-
lets for this kind of equipment,at a height of 1370 mm above the finished
Requirements for appropriate activities occurring within this space will vary
floor so that children cannot access the outlet or pull equipment off of
according to the age of the children. Categories of play activities
counters by using cords connected to low-mounted outlets. A height of
recommended by NAEYC are as follows:
1370 mm provides an adult wheelchair side approach.
Discovery, including sand and water play
Consider how the child views his or her surroundings when designing
Large motor activity
the classroom. Spending time on the floor at a small child's viewing
level is a helpful exercise for a designer of children's spaces.
Furnishings consist of child-scale tables, chairs, and open storage units.
Socio-dramatic for make-believe and role playing
Adult-sized comfortable seating is also needed. Bulletin boards and
other display areas should be placed at children's height. Refer to Chap-
Manipulatives with small puzzles and finger toys
ter 8 for a complete list of furniture, equipment, and applicable criteria.
Block building
Continuous strips from which to hang children's art are strongly recom-
mended. These may be strips placed at approximately 1000 mm to as
Science, including nature study
high as 1370 mm above the finished floor.
Allow for adequate storage of all curriculum materials and supplies re-
quired. Refer to the discussion on storage in this chapter.
Locate the open activity area within the classroom to take full advantage of
7.5.7 Activity Area for Infants:
natural light. Arrange the fixed elements along inside walls to reduce
The infant open activity area offers all the opportunities for discovery and
bottlenecks and maximize the natural light in the space. The design should
learning. This area must be a safe, soft, "print rich," stimulating environment
encourage traffic pathways that avoid disruption and do not pass through
in which babies can crawl, explore, and interact with their teachers.
activity areas. Wall or partition patterns with offsets will allow for more
intimate areas for children while not obstructing teachers' views to the activity
Provide the following architectural features in the infant classroom:
area. Preserve corner areas which provide natural boundaries to set apart
Furnish soft-surfaced level changes, either through constructed plat-
an activity area.
forms or movable forms. This should be a soft, cushioned space with a
variety of textures and coverings made from textile materials that can
Include the following architectural features in the open activity area for
be easily removed for regular cleaning. Level changes should be slight
each age classroom:
with a maximum of 76 mm to 102 mm between levels. This should be a
Acoustically treat surfaces as required to reduce noise.
soft, cushioned space with a variety of textures and coverings. Level
Supplement natural light with energy efficient, full-spectrum lighting,
changes can be created using constructed platforms with ramps, or
capable of being dimmed.
stacked upholstered blocks in various configurations. Maximum unen-
Avoid acute or 90 degree right angle outside corners projecting into the
closed platform height accessed by padded level changes is 455 mm
space. Provide a 13 mm radius or beveled edge on all outside corners
above the floor. Refer to the discussion in 7.6 of this chapter for further
of constructed features and a 25 mm rounded outside corner drywall
discussion of platforms and lofts for additional information on level
bead on walls.
changes. An enclosed raised area for infants at 915 mm above floor
Ample counter areas at child height are needed for work surfaces and
display areas. Consider a counter at a portion of the window area for
growing plants and conducting nature studies.
PBS-140 - July 2003