Creating an accessible center for the disabled, staff, parents and chil-
2.2.1 A/E Qualifications
dren in a cost effective manner.
Providing a healthful indoor and outdoor environment.
Where a request for proposals (RFP) is issued for the project a statement
of the key design firm's and the consultants' qualifications in sustainable,
2.2 Process
high-performance and/or integrative design (as defined in Appendix E)
should be included in the qualification requirements.
GSA has learned through its design and construction experience that owner
2.3 Standards
involvement at the beginning of the design process, starting at the initial
planning stages, is the most valuable investment to ensure the excellence
and cost effectiveness of the final result. (Note that the beginning of the
Child care centers must comply with all Federal regulations governing gen-
process starts with planning and pre-design stages and continues through
eral building types as defined in the latest edition of the GSA's Facilities
the design concept. The early stages of design, leading up to the concept,
Standards for the Public Buildings Service. Center design must comply
form the foundation of an excellent and functional design.)
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). The design must accommodate children and
The design process for new child care centers or major center renovation/
adults with disabilities.
expansions must begin with a high level of communication, particularly
Historic Preservation Act. Modification of historic buildings or buildings
because a well designed center requires an array of functional and aes-
deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places must follow
thetic requirements in a relatively small space and must satisfy a wide
specific guidelines. The GSA Regional Historic Preservation Officer
range of "customers."
should be consulted during the planning stages for consultation on reno-
vating space in a building.
To accommodate this, GSA will convene a "design workshop," to which all
interested stakeholders should be invited, including, but not limited to, prop-
1. Which is at least fifty years old (or will be when the renovation is com-
erty managers, the RCCC, the architectural and facilities representative
from the Office of Child Care, the appropriate GSA regional safety profes-
2. Which is deemed to be exemplary of a particular style.
sionals, as well as representation from the Board of Directors or the start-
3. Which has historic significance in terms of events to which the build-
up committee, the Agency and the A/E. If regional safety and security
ing is related.
professionals cannot attend, their input must be provided. GSA has found
Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG), US EPA, Office of Solid
that projects which start with a design workshop move ahead more effec-
Waste and Emergency Response. Through this document, EPA desig-
tively. Additional planning up front has been found, time and again, to be
nates items that must contain recycled content when purchased by fed-
well worth the investment.
eral, state, and local agencies, or by government contractors using ap-
propriated federal funds. Under E.O. 13101 EPA is required to update
This design workshop can also be associated with a partnering session. A
the CPG every 2 years.
partnering session can be highly effective in clarifying roles and responsi-
Executive Order (E.O.) 13101 "Greening the Government Through Waste
bilities. It typically results in a written charter which the various attendees
Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition," September 14, 1998.
are invited to sign in order to commit themselves to taking clearly defined
Executive Order (E.O.) 13148 "Greening the Government through Lead-
steps for collaboration on a successful project.
ership in Environmental Management," June 1999.
As terms of the license under which child care centers in GSA operate,
after a specified period of time (typically after one year of operation), the
provider must commit to beginning the accreditation process of the National
PBS-140 - July 2003