Child Care Center Design Guide - chilcare0001Subject:Child Care Center Design GuideAcknowledgements - chilcare0007Acknowledgements - chilcare0008Chapter 1: Introduction to the GuidePurposeApplicable DocumentsGlossary of TermsGlossary of Terms - Cont'dFigure 1.1: Space MeasurementChapter 2: Mission, goals, Administration, and Policy Program Goals and ObjectivesProcessGSA's AuthorityGSA Policy for Allocating CostsChapter 3: Adults and Children in the CenterAdults StaffChildren InfantsYoung ToddlersKindergartenAnthropometric Dimensions Anthropometric InformationChapter 4: Naecy and Other StandardsNAEYC Program CriteriaStaff Qualifications and DevelopmentGroup Size and Staff-Child RatioTable 4.1: Recommended Staff-Child Ratios Within Group Size*2Chapter 5: Planning for Space and locationCriteria for Center LocationOverall Space RequirementsHealth and SafetyApproach and AccessAdult SpacesTable 5.1: Example Classroom Space RequirementsTable 5.2: Example Space Program (74 Children)Chapter 6: Site Design Concepts for Site Design ServiceConcepts for Play Yard DesignLocationTypes of Outdoor Play Areas Play Yards for Different Age GroupsSpecific Site Technical CriteriaPlant MaterialsShadingHard SurfacesChapter 7: Interior Space DesignGeneral Information - chilcare0063Exterior Transition SpacesArchwaysStaff SpacesGeneral Concepts for Classroom DesignInfant ClassroomSchool-Age ClassroomScaleProvide views for childrenComponent Areas of ClassroomsActivity Area for InfantsActivity Area for ToddlersLofts/PlatformsArt Sink Diapering Station and Storage AreasDiapering/Food Prep Area (Example)Figure 7.3: Infant Room SpatialEating/Table Area Sick BayLaundryMechanical/Electrical/Telephone EquipmentDesign Features to AvoidChapter 8: Furnishings and EquipmentGeneral Criteria - chilcare0087Play Yard EquipmentFurniture and Equipment ListTable 8.1: Infant ClassroomTable 8.2: Younger Toddler Classroom (12-24 Months Old)Table 8.3: Older Toddler Classroom (24-36 Months Old)Table 8.4: Three-Year-Old ClassroomTable 8.5: Four-Year-Old ClassroomTable 8.6: Summer Program ClassroomTable 8.13: Teacher's LoungeChapter 9: Interior Finishes General RequirementsColor and TextureCeilingsCeilings - Cont'dChapter 10: Tecnical Criteria Fire Protection, Environmental, and Safety Issues Separation RequirementsSecurity - chilcare0107Fences and EnclosuresSustainable Design - chilcare0109Acoustics - chilcare0110 Windows, Doors, and HardwarePlumbing and Accessories Heating/Ventilation/Air Con-ditioningLighting - chilcare0114Table 10.2: Lighting Requirements ElectricalAppendix A, B, C, E & FAppendix A Metric/English ConversionsAppendix B Poisonous PlantsHigh Toxicity PlantsMedium Toxicity PlantsLow Toxicity PlantsAdditional Toxic Plants By Common Name OnlyNon-Toxic PlantsAppendix C - chilcare0127Appendix C - Cont'dAppendix D: D.1 Child Care Facility Checklist Infant RoomChild Care Facility Checklist ClassroomChild Care Facility ChecklistD.2 Child Care Facility Compliance ToolChild Care Facility Compliance ToolAppendix E: Sustainable Design - Terms and Good PracticesIntegrative DesignAppendix FRamp and Stair HandrailsDrinking FountainsSingle Occupancy ToiletSingle Occupancy Toilet - Cont'd - chilcare0141Single Occupancy Toilet - Cont'd - chilcare0142Accessible Lavs and SinksLavatories and MirrorsSeating and TablesAppendix GPlayground Solicitation RequirementsIndex - chilcare0149Index - Cont'd - chilcare0150Index - Cont'd - chilcare0151Index - Cont'd - chilcare0152Index - Cont'd - chilcare0153Child Care Center Design Guide - index