GSA is responsible for meeting the space requirements of federal agencies. To
assure a high standard of excellence for the American public, GSA utilizes a Total
Building Commissioning Process. Total Building Commissioning is the Public
Buildings Service's (PBS) process for quality delivery in new construction and
facility modernization. It is the process for achieving, validating and documenting
that the performance of the total building and its systems meet the design intent
and requirements of the owner.
Defining Commissioning for GSA Buildings
The National Conference on Building Commissioning has established an official
definition of `Total Building Commissioning' as follows:
"Systematic process of assuring by verification and documentation, from
the design phase to a minimum of one year after construction, that all facil-
ity systems perform interactively in accordance with the design documen-
tation and intent, and in accordance with the owner's operational needs,
including preparation of operation personnel"
Historically, the term "commissioning" has referred to the process by which the
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems of a building were tested
and balanced according to established standards prior to acceptance by the
building owner. Today's use of commissioning recognizes the integrated nature
of all building systems' performance, which impact sustainability, workplace
productivity, occupant safety and security.
Total Building Commissioning
To assure a high standard of
As reflected within the Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (P-100),
excellence, GSA utilizes a Total
Building Commissioning Process.
GSA accepts `Building Commissioning' practices as described above and within
Total Building Commissioning is the
this Guide. Prospectus level projects (new and modernization) planned for 2006
Public Buildings Service's (PBS)
process for quality assurance in
and thereafter shall adopt a Total Building Commissioning practice beginning with
new construction and facility
the project planning stage and concluding with the post occupancy evaluation
modernization. It is the process
for achieving, validating and
phase. These projects shall include provisions for Total Building Commissioning
documenting that the performance
cost in their budget.
of the total building and its
systems meet the design intent and
requirements of the owner.